BooBoo Jam 2024!
Posted by tremblin on 2024-06-05, 5:09am
Over the past couple of years, I've developed a tiny programming language with game engine.

To help improve the language with your ideas, I'm having a 1 month long BooBoo gamejam! This is the first gamejam I've hosted since SizeHack 2000!

BooBoo can be downloaded at

The Codeberg where you can download the code and report bugs, is:

I'm available all month for help!

BooBoo comes with many examples and example games to learn from and there is also documentation.

Prizes are:

  1. $100 CAD
  2. $50 CAD
  3. $25 CAD

Please let me know if you have any questions, and have fun!

Please make sure you have a PayPal account if you want to receive payment if you place!

Jam runs from June 1st 2024 until midnight June 30th 2024. Voting is open until midnight, July 14th, 2024. Please vote for your top 3 in this forum, or you will be disqualified. Email your entries to me before the deadline! I will make them all available on July 1st for contestants to judge.

Here is a simple example BooBoo program that draws randomly changing 1s and 0s over the screen, to give you an idea of what the language looks like:

number f
font_load f "vga.ttf" 32 0

number fw
number fh

font_height f fh
font_width f fw "0"

function draw
number cols
number rows

= cols (+ 1 (/ 640 fw))
= rows (+ 1 (/ 360 fh))

number x
number y

for y 0 (< y rows) 1 next_y
for x 0 (< x cols) 1 next_x
number dx
number dy
= dx (* x fw)
= dy (* y fh)
number r
string c
rand r 0 1
if (== r 0) c_zero c_one
= c "0"
= c "1"
font_draw f 32 32 32 255 c dx dy

Any multimedia app/demo is acceptable. You can also submit a text based game, as BooBooCLI has coloured text and unbuffered input. Voting is based on overall enjoyment/quality of the app.

P.S.: I will not be participating myself.

P.S.: If you have a devlog post a link, or if you want, post your progress here. And it would be really helpful if anyone who's considering, shows their interest here so I can gauge the interest.
Replies (2)
Posted by tremblin on 2024-06-12, 8:05pm
Winners will also get one of these tremendous badges in FULL QUALITY!!!

Posted by tremblin on 2024-06-13, 12:40am
Due to lack of participation (*cough* competition elimination) BooBoo Jam is cancelled!
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