BooBoo 2.0.30 has 3D model and 3D animation support. Until I find or develop another exporter, my DirectX .X model exporter for Blender only works on Blender 2.78. It's in the Shim repo on Codeberg. You have to fine tune the settings on export such as using a right handed coordinate system and exporting all the data you need/want.
There is simplified 3D transforms by way of memorized transforms for models. So if you rotate 5 degrees it stays that way etc. I hope to add line segment/model collision detection something like:
number collides model_collides model collides x1 y1 z2 x2 y2 z2
You can mix 2D and 3D by calling set_2d and set_3d.
Shim has had this devsettings feature for a while, it now works with any projection set in git. It only works in debug builds or if you pass +debug on the commandline, Then you press F9 to get to devsettings. You can register your own variables with this system which you can then modify online (some are read only).
The recording is causing some glitches/flashes. Not sure if it's my fault
Also added delta mouse movements and mouse/key movement in the billboards example.
There's no linear algebra in the api at least not yet so pleasant remains at the centre of the seen so that proper facing can be done, however to have her move around I first need some vector math.